Little Greg's Pre-School Fundraising
St Gregory's Pre-School Limited, (operating as Little Greg's Pre-School and Out of School Club) is a company limited by guarantee. Governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Assosciation dated 25th February 2008. It is a registered charity with the Charity Commission. (No 1124184)
This vital and crucial funding very simply supports the activities we plan and new resoucres we buy for the children to develop their individual needs.
What Fundraising committe do?
The Committee meets to discuss, plan and initiate fundraising activities such as Cake Sales, Christmas Events, Raffles, Children Movie Nights, etc.
How fundraising has supported the pre-school!
The fundraising committee have funded money towards the classroom equipment and resources, Interactive screen, a new shed and so much more!
Why we need your help?
The Committee is always looking for new members to join – you don’t even have to have a child at pre-school, so, if you are interested – please contact us at pre-school.
Alternatively – if you can simply spare an hour or two to help out at any one of the events that the Committee run – this would be of enormous help. The Committee would like to build up a list of willing volunteers that could potentially help at a one or two of the events that they run.
Your support will be crucial in retaining this very important funding.
Our parents are encouraged to get actively involved in our setting, school trips, sports day, chatter matters and any activities you feel you can come and share with our children are always welcome.